Red's Dream is a short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by John Lasseter, which was released in 1987. To date, this is the only short that has not been attached to one of Pixar's feature films in some form, the only Pixar short to be rendered on the Pixar Image Computer, and the first Pixar Short to feature an organic character: the circus clown known as Lumpy.
I've seen this clip before, heh I thought it was funny then and still do
RépondreSupprimerUhm, that clown looks kinda creepy, anyways I don't like 'em
RépondreSupprimeryeh, clowns are always a bit creepy for me :s
RépondreSupprimerThat's some quite impressive work for that year i have to say :O
RépondreSupprimerBut I do agree that the clown there looks a little too freaky :D
I can not look a clown in the eye since IT! Not even for Pixar :(
RépondreSupprimerWith a name like Lumpy what's not to love?
RépondreSupprimerFor something so dated, it's definitely good. Thanks for sharing!